Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just A Little Inspiration

‎"Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions." -1Corinthians 16:13
Do not let the world compromise your faith or let ignorance blur the Truth. It's compromise that pulls us away from the will of God, and ignorance that deafens our ears to His Word.

Nobody ever won a race by stopping at every obstacle in their path. We must face each challenge head on with pure determination, and faith that we can clear every hurdle. "Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one recieves the prize? So run that you may obtain it!"

"Don't sit around and let life pass you by...be aggressive, take control, and always move forward. Make life be the one who has to catch up to you."

"If our beliefs are sound and firmly planted in Truth, the hands of compassion and persistence will push us into action. If we lack action to uphold our beliefs, we do not believe in it strongly enough. For if our beliefs truly are the Truth, then we should be in constant movement to share it with the whole world."

"Without passion, our faith is empty, our lives dull, and our spirits weak. With passion, our hearts are strengthened to endure the battle for truth, love, and human dignity."

"Reach out with open arms and give yourself up to be transformed by Christ's love. It is that sacrificial love that helps us endure suffering for the glory of God; it is that selfless, giving love that unifies us in the Church; it is that endless love that brings us closer to an eternity in the Beatific Vision."

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