Saturday, April 17, 2010


In a time of New Year's resolutions, let's make one of our own...

1 Timothy 2:9 says "Women should adorn themselves with proper conduct, with modesty and self-control..."

Matthew 5:27-28 says "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Society says "Women, you must wear less clothing to be beautiful. Treat yourselves as objects of lust and immorality. Men, use women for self-satisfaction and treat them with disrespect."

And we wonder why there is so much impurity in the world. The pressures and messages of mainstream media, degrading music, and television shows that glorify bad decisions seem to be overshadowing the one message we should actually be listening to: the Word of God.

As winter turns to spring and spring to summer, the pressures become greater to dress a certain way. Women fall victim to the idea that in order to be noticed or valued they should wear the equivalent of a stripper's outfit. Men become desensitized to the sanctity of a woman's body as women run around half naked, not leaving much to the imagination. How sad is it that the guy who helped introduce the modern bikini had to hire a nude dancer to show off the design (he couldnt find a model who would do it), but now people have no problem wearing next to nothing for the whole world to see.

Does it strike odd to anyone else that we preach chastity and 'saving ourselves for marriage' yet modesty doesn't seem to be given a second glance? Modesty is a virtue of chastity and whether single or married we're all called to live chaste lives. We don't think it's right for a couple to see each other in their undergarments before marriage, yet it's "okay" to go to the beach together in swimsuits that actually cover less than the average underwear? Where is the logic in that?

The fact of the matter is, society has desensitized us all to immodesty. We aren't passionate enough about our own human dignity and something needs to change. We need to respect ourselves and respect each other. As Matthew wrote in the above verse, lusting after a woman is a grave sin. And likewise, being the object of temptation and dressing in a way to cause lust is also a sin. As women, we need to respect our men and look out for them. Don't dress in a way to cause them to sin. As men, we need to support our women to be beautiful women of God and treat them with respect.

This New Year I dare you to listen to the Word of God and not to the misleading messages of society. Women, we are daughters of the Lord and temples of the Holy Spirit. I dare you to rid your closets of immodest attire. Don't wear that string bikini to the beach this year knowing that it's no better than walking around in lingerie. Wear something that respects the fact that you're made in the image and likeness of God. Men, support your sisters in Christ by encouraging them to dress modestly. Affirm their decision by telling them that they really are more beautiful for doing so and you respect their efforts to place chastity above vanity and worldly pressure.

The only way we can be good witnesses in the world is to rid ourselves of worldly ideals for Christ-centered ones, and take action against the pitfalls of society. Hopefully in this way we can inspire others to realize their own dignity and promote self-respect and respect for others.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?...Therefore glorify God in your body."

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