Monday, April 25, 2011
Father vs Master

Friday, April 22, 2011
Hung on a Cross

Are we desensitized to the crucifixion?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Pick Up The Phone

In this day and age it is easy to fall into the endless cycle of texting and e-mailing. We opt for these quicker, less personal means of communication over taking time out of our busy schedules to call our friends. I'm sure each of us is guilty of this. I'm also sure each of us truly appreciates it when we do finally speak with our friends directly. No amount of typed letters and emoticons can take the place of verbal communication, or express so accurately the emotions displayed in our voices. There is something deep and meaningful about picking up the phone that shows our friends we truly care.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Stairway to Heaven

Led Zeppelin creates some pretty accurate imagery regarding our journey to Heaven. Stairway to Heaven. We envision marble white stairs winding upwards to disappear high in the clouds, the top so far up it is out of our sight. Or maybe they're made of wood, worn from being heavily traveled. Either way, we see stairs--not an escalator where we don't even have to lift a foot to take a step, and certainly not an elevator that shoots us straight into Heaven like a rocket. Sometimes we forget that getting to Heaven isn't quite so easy as pressing a button and waiting behind closed doors to reach the top floor. It's a little more challenging than that.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fork in the Road

Everyone else has it so easy. They get to go to parties and drink all they want; they can wear mini skirts, low-cut shirts and bikinis; they're able to sleep with guys and not even worry about pregnancy because birth control and abortion is an option. Why do I have it so hard? Why do I have to follow all the rules?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
More Than Ashes

"Father in Heaven,
Protect us in our struggle against evil.
As we begin the discipline of Lent,
make this season holy by our self-denial.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
one God, for ever and ever."
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent--the first of many days of no more coffee, chocolate or soda. This self-denial is a sacrifice of love; love for our Savior who made the ultimate sacrifice of love for us. We may choose to sacrifice certain foods or drinks, or we may choose to sacrifice those unnecessary activities that tend to distract us from time with Christ (TV, Facebook, Video Games, etc). Either way, we should always strive to take our Lenten promise one more step forward. In addition to giving something up this Lent, let us also add more Christ-centered activities to our life. If you choose to give up watching television, fill that previously wasted time with saying a rosary or reading a passage out of the Bible. Or devote yourself to an outside ministry such as the homeless ministry or a pro-life organization.
The purpose of Lent is not to just sacrifice for 40 days and then come Easter fall back into bad habits or the same routine as before. It's so much more! This Lent, make a promise to carry on the good habits you establish during the Lenten season into the rest of the year. This Lent find something to committ to that will bring you closer in your relationship with Christ, and make an effort to continue with it even when the 40 days are up! With Christ we will find the strength and dedication to accomplish this.