In this day and age it is easy to fall into the endless cycle of texting and e-mailing. We opt for these quicker, less personal means of communication over taking time out of our busy schedules to call our friends. I'm sure each of us is guilty of this. I'm also sure each of us truly appreciates it when we do finally speak with our friends directly. No amount of typed letters and emoticons can take the place of verbal communication, or express so accurately the emotions displayed in our voices. There is something deep and meaningful about picking up the phone that shows our friends we truly care.
Similar is our relationship with God.
Too often do we push aside spending time in personal prayer each day; too often do we make excuses and take the quick and easy route. Throughout our busy day other things always seem to take priority, and by the time our head hits the pillow we barely remember to mutter a rushed Our Father or Hail Mary. Sometimes we may even manage to get through a whole decade of the Rosary! While we may take comfort in the fact that our guardian angel will finish our prayers for us, or we have nuns and saints praying for us on our behalf, it is just not enough. Just like our friends, God longs for that personal conversation with us--something more than just a half-hearted text message.
That personal type of communication may be different for each of us. For some it may take place in quiet meditation with God, for others it may be through music--it may take place sitting on a bench in the park, or kneeling in the Adoration chapel. Whichever way we feel closest to God, it is important to do it on a consistent basis in order to foster a deeper relationship. Just like calling our friends shows our appreciation for them, spending time in personal prayer shows our love for God. We must make sure that our busy lives don't put a rift between us and our Creator.
Pick up the phone and give God a call. You won't want to ever hang up.
God will always be there to guide you. Great blog! I like it!...Daniel
ReplyDeleteThank you, Daniel!